[00:08:00] Lose Yr Frown - The Electric Soft Parade
[00:21:00] Let"s begin again
[00:23:00] And take me back to then
[00:25:00] I want to see the end
[00:28:00] Of what has gone before
[00:31:00] And I"ll be grateful for
[00:33:00] The things I had before
[00:35:00] I couldn"t miss you more
[00:38:00] Than I do now
[00:40:00] Don"t try to shut me out
[00:42:00] When all I want is what you have
[00:45:00] And in time you know that all of this will pass
[00:49:00] I"m not the one that let you down
[00:52:00] I"m not the one who"ll get you out
[00:55:00] I"m just answering the questions that you asked
[01:01:00] So let"s begin again
[01:03:00] And take me back to then
[01:06:00] I want to see the end
[01:08:00] Of what has gone before
[01:11:00] And I am grateful for
[01:13:00] The things I had before
[01:16:00] I couldn"t miss you more
[01:18:00] Than I do now
[01:20:00] Don"t try to shut me out
[01:22:00] When all I want is what you have
[01:25:00] And in time you know that all of this will pass
[01:30:00] I"m not the one that let you down
[01:33:00] I"m not the one who"ll get you out
[01:35:00] I"m just answering the questions that you asked
[02:02:00] I am grateful for
[02:04:00] The things I had before
[02:06:00] I couldn"t miss you more
[02:09:00] Than I do now
[02:12:00] Let"s begin again
[02:14:00] And take me back to then
[02:16:00] I want to see the end
[02:21:00] Don"t try to shut me out
[02:23:00] When all I want is what you have
[02:26:00] And in time you know that all of this will pass
[02:31:00] So come on and lose your frown
[02:33:00] I"m not the one that brought you down
[02:36:00] I might be wrong but I"m not trying to pretend

Lose Yr Frown - The Electric Soft Parade


The Electric Soft Parade-Lose Yr Frown的QQ空间背景音乐外链:

歌曲The Electric Soft Parade-Lose Yr Frown的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供The Electric Soft Parade-Lose Yr Frown的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。

Lose Yr Frown的文本歌词:

Lose Yr Frown - The Electric Soft Parade
Let"s begin again
And take me back to then
I want to see the end
Of what has gone before
And I"ll be grateful for
The things I had before
I couldn"t miss you more
Than I do now
Don"t try to shut me out
When all I want is what you have
And in time you know that all of this will pass
I"m not the one that let you down
I"m not the one who"ll get you out
I"m just answering the questions that you asked
So let"s begin again
And take me back to then
I want to see the end
Of what has gone before
And I am grateful for
The things I had before
I couldn"t miss you more
Than I do now
Don"t try to shut me out
When all I want is what you have
And in time you know that all of this will pass
I"m not the one that let you down
I"m not the one who"ll get you out
I"m just answering the questions that you asked
I am grateful for
The things I had before
I couldn"t miss you more
Than I do now
Let"s begin again
And take me back to then
I want to see the end
Don"t try to shut me out
When all I want is what you have
And in time you know that all of this will pass
So come on and lose your frown
I"m not the one that brought you down
I might be wrong but I"m not trying to pretend

爱好歌音乐网提供The Electric Soft Parade-Lose Yr Frown的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Lose Yr Frown的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
