[00:01:00] Burning Bright - 赵小臭
[00:15:00] We were born from light before there even was a dawn
[00:19:00] 我们诞生于光明之中 甚至是黎明之前
[00:19:00] So pure so bright
[00:21:00] 如此纯净 如此明亮
[00:21:00] Falling from the skies above into our darkened fate
[00:25:00] 从头而降 在我们黑暗的命运之上
[00:25:00] The time has come
[00:27:00] 时机已经成熟
[00:27:00] Walking through this world we know the secret of our lives
[00:32:00] 走过这个世界 我们知道我们生命的秘密
[00:32:00] The light we share
[00:33:00] 我们共享光明
[00:33:00] Caught in destiny we shine for we are meant to be
[00:38:00] 把握命运 我们为自己点亮命运
[00:38:00] The star guardians
[00:40:00] 那些星星守卫者
[00:40:00] Gone in a flash before our time
[00:43:00] 在我们的时代到来之前 转瞬即逝
[00:43:00] Up in the skies together
[00:46:00] 一起翱翔于天空
[00:46:00] The vow we have made has kept us strong
[00:49:00] 我们的誓言让我们坚不可摧
[00:49:00] Don"t fade away it"s time to shine
[00:52:00] 不要离开 是时候散发光芒
[00:52:00] Burning bright
[00:55:00] 如火一样绽放
[00:55:00] As we reach out for the same horizon
[00:58:00] 当我们到达同样的地平线
[00:58:00] Burning brighter
[01:01:00] 如火一样尽情绽放
[01:01:00] We"re running outta time we"re chasing the light
[01:17:00] 我们的时间已经不多 我们竭力追寻光明
[01:17:00] Gone in a flash before our time
[01:20:00] 在我们的时代到来之前 转瞬即逝
[01:20:00] Up in the skies together
[01:24:00] 一起翱翔于天空
[01:24:00] The vow we have made has kept us strong
[01:26:00] 我们的誓言让我们坚不可摧
[01:26:00] Don"t fade away it"s time to shine
[01:30:00] 不要离开 是时候散发光芒
[01:30:00] Burning bright
[01:32:00] 如火一样绽放
[01:32:00] As we reach out for the same horizon
[01:36:00] 当我们到达同样的地平线
[01:36:00] Burning brighter
[01:39:00] 如火一样尽情绽放
[01:39:00] Piercing through the dawn dark we burn on and on and on
[01:55:00] 穿过黑暗 迎来黎明 我们心中的激情越来越强
[01:55:00] The sight stuck in my mind
[01:59:00] 那个景象深深地存在我的脑海里
[01:59:00] I long for the days we were young
[02:03:00] 我渴望我们的青春年华
[02:03:00] The sound in my heart
[02:05:00] 颂歌在我心中
[02:05:00] Light in your eyes
[02:07:00] 光明在我眼里
[02:07:00] But now I drown in tears I cry
[02:11:00] 但是 现在我泪如雨下 泣不成声
[02:11:00] Yelling your name into the rain
[02:15:00] 在暴雨中大声呼唤你的名字
[02:15:00] Don"t push me away let"s head for the sky
[02:20:00] 别将我推开 让我们直冲云霄
[02:20:00] Gone in a flash before our time
[02:23:00] 在我们的时代到来之前 转瞬即逝
[02:23:00] Up in the skies together
[02:26:00] 一起翱翔于天空
[02:26:00] The vow we have made has kept us strong
[02:29:00] 我们的誓言让我们坚不可摧
[02:29:00] Don"t fade away it"s time to shine
[02:32:00] 不要离开 是时候散发光芒
[02:32:00] Burning bright
[02:35:00] 如火一样绽放
[02:35:00] As we reach out for the same horizon
[02:38:00] 当我们到达同样的地平线
[02:38:00] Burning brighter
[02:41:00] 如火一样尽情绽放
[02:41:00] Running outta time we"re chasing the light
[02:44:00] 时间已经不多 我们竭力追寻光明
[02:44:00] Burning bright
[02:47:00] 如火一样绽放
[02:47:00] As we reach out for the same horizon
[02:50:00] 当我们到达同样的地平线
[02:50:00] Burning brighter
[02:54:00] 如火一样尽情绽放
[02:54:00] Piercing through the dawn we burn on and on and on
[02:58:00] 穿过黑暗 迎来黎明 我们心中的激情越来越强

Burning Bright - 赵小臭


赵小臭-Burning Bright的QQ空间背景音乐外链:

歌曲赵小臭-Burning Bright的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供赵小臭-Burning Bright的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。

Burning Bright的文本歌词:

Burning Bright - 赵小臭
We were born from light before there even was a dawn
我们诞生于光明之中 甚至是黎明之前
So pure so bright
如此纯净 如此明亮
Falling from the skies above into our darkened fate
从头而降 在我们黑暗的命运之上
The time has come
Walking through this world we know the secret of our lives
走过这个世界 我们知道我们生命的秘密
The light we share
Caught in destiny we shine for we are meant to be
把握命运 我们为自己点亮命运
The star guardians
Gone in a flash before our time
在我们的时代到来之前 转瞬即逝
Up in the skies together
The vow we have made has kept us strong
Don"t fade away it"s time to shine
不要离开 是时候散发光芒
Burning bright
As we reach out for the same horizon
Burning brighter
We"re running outta time we"re chasing the light
我们的时间已经不多 我们竭力追寻光明
Gone in a flash before our time
在我们的时代到来之前 转瞬即逝
Up in the skies together
The vow we have made has kept us strong
Don"t fade away it"s time to shine
不要离开 是时候散发光芒
Burning bright
As we reach out for the same horizon
Burning brighter
Piercing through the dawn dark we burn on and on and on
穿过黑暗 迎来黎明 我们心中的激情越来越强
The sight stuck in my mind
I long for the days we were young
The sound in my heart
Light in your eyes
But now I drown in tears I cry
但是 现在我泪如雨下 泣不成声
Yelling your name into the rain
Don"t push me away let"s head for the sky
别将我推开 让我们直冲云霄
Gone in a flash before our time
在我们的时代到来之前 转瞬即逝
Up in the skies together
The vow we have made has kept us strong
Don"t fade away it"s time to shine
不要离开 是时候散发光芒
Burning bright
As we reach out for the same horizon
Burning brighter
Running outta time we"re chasing the light
时间已经不多 我们竭力追寻光明
Burning bright
As we reach out for the same horizon
Burning brighter
Piercing through the dawn we burn on and on and on
穿过黑暗 迎来黎明 我们心中的激情越来越强

爱好歌音乐网提供赵小臭-Burning Bright的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Burning Bright的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
