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STAND BY ME - Oliver
When it’s raining outside
I wanna go walk with you
All I just wanna do
is lean on you
When the water runs dry
I feel emptiness without you
My life will be left with cries
so lean on me
So I try to say
What’s on my mind
You are everything my life
All the faith in you all the love in you
never lie
Oh I believe in you
I will run through the light
Hold you all night
Never will be goodbyes
Oh I imagine you
We can cross through the stars
Promise it’s ours
So would you come take my hand
Will you stand by me
Come and stand by me
You’re my whole wide world
I wanna live in you
For whatever it takes
to lean on you
So I try to say
What’s on my mind
You are everything my life
All the faith in you all the love in you
never lie
Oh I believe in you
I will run through the light
Hold you all night
Never will be goodbyes
Oh I imagine you
We can cross through the stars
Promise it’s ours
So would you come take my hand
Baby come away with me
When the stars are bright in the sky
Baby come away with me
When the light touches us through the night
through the night
Oh I love you
I will run through the light
Hold you all night
Never will be goodbyes
Oh I want you
We can cross through the stars
Promise it’s ours
So would you come take my hand
Will you stand by me
Come and stand by me
爱好歌音乐网提供Oliver-STAND BY ME的MP3音乐在线试听下载,STAND BY ME的QQ空间背景音乐外链。