[00:03:00] How Can I Tell Her-Lobo
[00:13:00] She konw when i"m lonesome
[00:18:00] And she cries when i"m sad
[00:24:00] She"s up in the good time
[00:30:00] She"s down in the bed
[00:36:00] Whenver i"m discouraged
[00:37:00] She konw just what to do
[00:46:00] But girl she doesn"t know
[00:51:00] About you
[00:58:00] I can tell her my troubles
[01:05:00] She makes them all seem righ
[01:10:00] I can make up excuses
[01:16:00] Not to hold her at night
[01:22:00] We can tell her tomorrow
[01:28:00] I tell things that i want to do
[01:33:00] But girl how can i tell her
[01:38:00] About you
[01:44:00] How can i thell her about you
[01:50:00] Girl please tell me what to do
[01:56:00] Everything seems right
[01:59:00] Whenever i"m with you
[02:06:00] So girl won"t you tell me
[02:10:00] How to tell her about you
[02:16:00] Ah ah-ah ah ah ah ah
[02:26:00] How can i tell her i don"t
[02:28:00] Miss her
[02:32:00] Whenever i"m away
[02:37:00] How can i say it"s you i think of
[02:43:00] Every single night and day
[02:49:00] But when it"s easy
[02:55:00] Telling someone we"re thorough
[02:59:00] But girl help me her about you
[03:11:00] How can i thell her about you
[03:17:00] Girl please tell me what to do
[03:23:00] Everything seems right
[03:26:00] Whenever i"m with you
[03:33:00] So girl won"t you tell me
[03:37:00] How to tell her about you
[03:42:00] Ah ah-ah ah ah ah ah

How Can I Tell Her - Lobo


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How Can I Tell Her的文本歌词:

How Can I Tell Her-Lobo
She konw when i"m lonesome
And she cries when i"m sad
She"s up in the good time
She"s down in the bed
Whenver i"m discouraged
She konw just what to do
But girl she doesn"t know
About you
I can tell her my troubles
She makes them all seem righ
I can make up excuses
Not to hold her at night
We can tell her tomorrow
I tell things that i want to do
But girl how can i tell her
About you
How can i thell her about you
Girl please tell me what to do
Everything seems right
Whenever i"m with you
So girl won"t you tell me
How to tell her about you
Ah ah-ah ah ah ah ah
How can i tell her i don"t
Miss her
Whenever i"m away
How can i say it"s you i think of
Every single night and day
But when it"s easy
Telling someone we"re thorough
But girl help me her about you
How can i thell her about you
Girl please tell me what to do
Everything seems right
Whenever i"m with you
So girl won"t you tell me
How to tell her about you
Ah ah-ah ah ah ah ah

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