[00:00:00] Power - Katy Perry (凯蒂·佩里)
[00:08:00] \u002F\u002F
[00:08:00] Written by:Katy Perry/Jack Garratt/William Robinson
[00:16:00] \u002F\u002F
[00:16:00] I was fine before I met you
[00:21:00] 在遇见你之前 我一切安好
[00:21:00] Truth is that I lost myself inside you
[00:28:00] 事实上我已为你神魂颠倒
[00:28:00] It is not fair to put all that on you
[00:34:00] 我知道 把一切都推给你并不公平
[00:34:00] But you took control of a vulnerable soul
[00:42:00] 但你控制了我脆弱不堪的内心
[00:42:00] Yeah
[00:44:00] \u002F\u002F
[00:44:00] I am my mother's daughter
[00:48:00] 我是妈妈的乖乖女
[00:48:00] And there are so many things I love about her
[00:54:00] 我珍爱着有关她的一切
[00:54:00] But I have I have to break the cycle
[01:01:00] 但我必须打破陈规
[01:01:00] So I can sit first at the dinner table
[01:10:00] 这样我就可以第一个入席而坐
[01:10:00] You can't clip my wings can't wilt my flowers
[01:17:00] 你无法钳制我的双翼 更无法扼制我的芬芳
[01:17:00] Stole my time but I'll make up the hours
[01:24:00] 你浪费我时间 但我会争分夺秒
[01:24:00] 'Cause I'm a goddess and you know it
[01:27:00] 因为我是受人敬仰的女神 你知道
[01:27:00] Some respect you better show it
[01:30:00] 你得为我献出诚意和敬意
[01:30:00] I'm done with you siphoning my power
[01:35:00] 我受够了你在消耗我蓄积已久的力量
[01:35:00] Power
[01:37:00] 我的力量
[01:37:00] Hell hath no fury like a woman reborn
[01:44:00] 我曾如其他女人一般任劳任怨
[01:44:00] And now I'm burning like a blue flame once more
[01:51:00] 现在 我如那蓝色火焰般重生于这个世界
[01:51:00] But don't mistake my warmth for weakness
[01:55:00] 我要卷土重来 不要误解了我对弱者的警告
[01:55:00] Don't bite the hand that feeds or you'll
[02:00:00] 不要借花献佛
[02:00:00] You'll never eat no oh
[02:04:00] 我永远不吃这一套
[02:04:00] You can't clip my wings can't wilt my flowers
[02:11:00] 你无法钳制我的双翼 更无法扼制我的芬芳
[02:11:00] Stole my time but I'll make up the hours
[02:18:00] 你浪费我时间 但我会争分夺秒
[02:18:00] 'Cause I'm a goddess and you know it
[02:21:00] 因为我是受人敬仰的女神 你知道
[02:21:00] Some respect you better show it
[02:24:00] 你得为我献出诚意和敬意
[02:24:00] I'm done with you siphoning my power
[02:29:00] 我受够了你在消耗我蓄积已久的力量
[02:29:00] Power
[02:31:00] 我的力量
[02:31:00] And now I'm taking it back electric as f**k
[02:34:00] 如今 我要重拾过去辉煌
[02:34:00] Come on
[02:35:00] 我已激情澎湃 来吧
[02:35:00] You can't quiet this thunder no
[02:37:00] 你无法平息我的满腔怒火
[02:37:00] No oh oh
[02:39:00] \u002F\u002F
[02:39:00] Yeah I'm taking it back yeah lit all the way up
[02:41:00] 是啊 我要重拾过去辉煌 我的光芒会照亮所有
[02:41:00] Even in the dark I glow
[02:45:00] 即使身处茫茫黑暗 我也会光芒闪耀
[02:45:00] I glow
[02:46:00] 我会璀璨夺目
[02:46:00] I glow
[02:51:00] 我会光芒闪耀
[02:51:00] You can't clip my wings can't wilt my flowers
[02:58:00] 你无法钳制我的双翼 更无法扼制我的芬芳
[02:58:00] Stole my time but I make up the hours
[03:05:00] 你浪费我时间 但我会争分夺秒
[03:05:00] 'Cause I'm a goddess and you know it
[03:09:00] 因为我是受人敬仰的女神 你知道
[03:09:00] Some respect you better show it
[03:12:00] 你得为我献出诚意和敬意
[03:12:00] I'm done with you siphoning my power
[03:17:00] 我受够了你在消耗我蓄积已久的力量
[03:17:00] Power
[03:22:00] 我的力量

Power - Katy Perry


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Power - Katy Perry (凯蒂·佩里)
Written by:Katy Perry/Jack Garratt/William Robinson
I was fine before I met you
在遇见你之前 我一切安好
Truth is that I lost myself inside you
It is not fair to put all that on you
我知道 把一切都推给你并不公平
But you took control of a vulnerable soul
I am my mother's daughter
And there are so many things I love about her
But I have I have to break the cycle
So I can sit first at the dinner table
You can't clip my wings can't wilt my flowers
你无法钳制我的双翼 更无法扼制我的芬芳
Stole my time but I'll make up the hours
你浪费我时间 但我会争分夺秒
'Cause I'm a goddess and you know it
因为我是受人敬仰的女神 你知道
Some respect you better show it
I'm done with you siphoning my power
Hell hath no fury like a woman reborn
And now I'm burning like a blue flame once more
现在 我如那蓝色火焰般重生于这个世界
But don't mistake my warmth for weakness
我要卷土重来 不要误解了我对弱者的警告
Don't bite the hand that feeds or you'll
You'll never eat no oh
You can't clip my wings can't wilt my flowers
你无法钳制我的双翼 更无法扼制我的芬芳
Stole my time but I'll make up the hours
你浪费我时间 但我会争分夺秒
'Cause I'm a goddess and you know it
因为我是受人敬仰的女神 你知道
Some respect you better show it
I'm done with you siphoning my power
And now I'm taking it back electric as f**k
如今 我要重拾过去辉煌
Come on
我已激情澎湃 来吧
You can't quiet this thunder no
No oh oh
Yeah I'm taking it back yeah lit all the way up
是啊 我要重拾过去辉煌 我的光芒会照亮所有
Even in the dark I glow
即使身处茫茫黑暗 我也会光芒闪耀
I glow
I glow
You can't clip my wings can't wilt my flowers
你无法钳制我的双翼 更无法扼制我的芬芳
Stole my time but I make up the hours
你浪费我时间 但我会争分夺秒
'Cause I'm a goddess and you know it
因为我是受人敬仰的女神 你知道
Some respect you better show it
I'm done with you siphoning my power

爱好歌音乐网提供Katy Perry-Power的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Power的QQ空间背景音乐外链。