[00:00:00] Bridal Ballad Hayley Westenra - Hayley Westenra
[00:01:00] The ring is on my hand 
[00:04:00] And the wreath is on my brow;
[00:10:00] Satin and jewels grand
[00:15:00] Are all at my command 
[00:20:00] And I am happy now 
[00:30:00] And my lord he loves me well;
[00:35:00] But  when first he breathed his vow 
[00:39:00] I felt my bosom swell
[00:43:00] For the words rang as a knell 
[00:47:00] And the voice seemed his who fell
[00:51:00] In the battle down the dell 
[00:56:00] And who is happy now 
[01:04:00] But he spoke to re-assure me 
[01:08:00] And he kissed my pallid brow 
[01:12:00] While a reverie came o"er me 
[01:17:00] And to the church-yard bore me 
[01:21:00] And I sighed to him before me 
[01:25:00] Thinking him dead D"Elormie 
[01:29:00] "Oh  I am happy now "
[02:12:00] And i am happy now
[02:20:00] And thus the words were spoken 
[02:24:00] And this the plighted vow 
[02:28:00] And  though my faith be broken 
[02:32:00] And  though my heart be broken 
[02:36:00] Here is a ring  as token
[02:41:00] That I am happy now 
[02:49:00] Would God I could awaken 
[02:53:00] For I dream I know not how 
[02:57:00] And my soul is sorely shaken
[03:01:00] Lest an evil step be taken 
[03:05:00] Lest the dead who is forsaken
[03:09:00] May not be happy now

Bridal Ballad Hayley Westenra - Hayley Westenra


Hayley Westenra-Bridal Ballad Hayley Westenra的QQ空间背景音乐外链:

歌曲Hayley Westenra-Bridal Ballad Hayley Westenra的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供Hayley Westenra-Bridal Ballad Hayley Westenra的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。

Bridal Ballad Hayley Westenra的文本歌词:

Bridal Ballad Hayley Westenra - Hayley Westenra
The ring is on my hand
And the wreath is on my brow;
Satin and jewels grand
Are all at my command
And I am happy now
And my lord he loves me well;
But when first he breathed his vow
I felt my bosom swell
For the words rang as a knell
And the voice seemed his who fell
In the battle down the dell
And who is happy now
But he spoke to re-assure me
And he kissed my pallid brow
While a reverie came o"er me
And to the church-yard bore me
And I sighed to him before me
Thinking him dead D"Elormie
"Oh I am happy now "
And i am happy now
And thus the words were spoken
And this the plighted vow
And though my faith be broken
And though my heart be broken
Here is a ring as token
That I am happy now
Would God I could awaken
For I dream I know not how
And my soul is sorely shaken
Lest an evil step be taken
Lest the dead who is forsaken
May not be happy now

爱好歌音乐网提供Hayley Westenra-Bridal Ballad Hayley Westenra的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Bridal Ballad Hayley Westenra的QQ空间背景音乐外链。