[02:27:00] Keep on pursuing, keep on doing, doing you and you can’t go wrong
[02:27:00] Keep on learning, forever yearning, for life cus we don’t have long
[02:27:00] Bones, bones, we’ll soon be bones
[02:27:00] Keep on forging, bravely forward, this life’s what you make it my son
[02:27:00] Keep on scheming, forever dreaming, big, until the war is won
[02:27:00] Bones, Bones, yeah we’ll soon be 
[02:27:00] Bones, Bones, So take the party
[02:27:00] Home, Home
[02:27:00] And make this story your own
[02:27:00] Because we’ll soon be bones
[02:27:00] The hour glass, is-moving way to fast
[02:27:00] Each day passing quicker than the last
[02:27:00] The pendulum swings, the die is cast
[02:27:00] Each moment will suddenly pass
[02:27:00] Bones, Bones, yeah we’ll soon be 
[02:27:00] Bones, Bones, So take the party
[02:27:00] Home, Home
[02:27:00] And set your sights on the throne 
[02:27:00] Because we’ll soon be bones
[02:27:00] Bones , we\'ll soone be bones
[02:27:00] Well soon be bones
[02:27:00] So set your sights on the throne
[02:27:00] Because we\'ll soon be bones

Bones - Shanghai Treason


Shanghai Treason-Bones的QQ空间背景音乐外链:

歌曲Shanghai Treason-Bones的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供Shanghai Treason-Bones的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。


Keep on pursuing, keep on doing, doing you and you can’t go wrong
Keep on learning, forever yearning, for life cus we don’t have long
Bones, bones, we’ll soon be bones
Keep on forging, bravely forward, this life’s what you make it my son
Keep on scheming, forever dreaming, big, until the war is won
Bones, Bones, yeah we’ll soon be
Bones, Bones, So take the party
Home, Home
And make this story your own
Because we’ll soon be bones
The hour glass, is-moving way to fast
Each day passing quicker than the last
The pendulum swings, the die is cast
Each moment will suddenly pass
Bones, Bones, yeah we’ll soon be
Bones, Bones, So take the party
Home, Home
And set your sights on the throne
Because we’ll soon be bones
Bones , we\'ll soone be bones
Well soon be bones
So set your sights on the throne
Because we\'ll soon be bones

爱好歌音乐网提供Shanghai Treason-Bones的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Bones的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
