群星-STOP STOP STOP的QQ空间背景音乐外链:
歌曲群星-STOP STOP STOP的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供群星-STOP STOP STOP的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。
Stop stop stop
停止 停下来
Now I didn\'t trust him but he rushed me to feel
现在 我不相信他 但是他的确让我心跳加速
Tried me mesmerize to me with his all sex appeal
性感的外表 想让我对之深深着迷
Told me everything that I was longing to hear
Shine and handsome my souvenir
帅气阳光 闪耀夺目
And then all of sudden I have fallen in love
突然之间 我恋爱了
He would put me down but I still place him above
他会打击我 但我依然把他放在重要的位置
Tired of searching for the love that still lives in him
厌烦了寻找新的爱情 仍然对他情有独钟
Given my everything like a souvenir
Given up my heart in the name of the memory
为了留下美好的回忆 我倾尽全部心血
Fallen down like rain he could feel every drop
像天上落下的雨 他可以深切地感受到
Now I know I have have the courage to tell him
现在 我知道 我有告诉他的勇气
Tell him to stop stop stop
告诉他 停止 停下来
Given up my heart in the name of the memory
为了留下美好的回忆 我倾尽全部心血
Fallen down like rain he could taste every drop
像天上落下的雨 他可以深切地感受到
Now I know I have have the courage to tell him
现在 我知道 我有告诉他的勇气
Tell him to stop stop stop
告诉他 停止 停下来
I been become invisible I melt away at night
我会消失 会在晚上离去
Dreams for once so colorful become black and white
曾经的梦是如此绚丽多彩 如今却黯然失色
Loving once so wonderful is no longer here
爱情如此精彩 却已不在
So I\'ll keep this feeling like a souvenir
Given up my heart in the name of the memory
为了留下美好的回忆 我倾尽全部心血
Fallen down like rain he could feel every drop
像天上落下的雨 他可以深切地感受到
Now I know I have have the courage to tell him
现在 我知道 我有告诉他的勇气
Tell him to stop stop stop
告诉他 停止 停下来
Given up my heart in the name of the memory
为了留下美好的回忆 我倾尽全部心血
Fallen down like rain he could taste every drop
像天上落下的雨 他可以深切地感受到
Now I know I have have the courage to tell him
现在 我知道 我有告诉他的勇气
Tell him to stop stop stop
告诉他 停止 停下来
Given up my heart in the name of the memory
为了留下美好的回忆 我倾尽全部心血
Fallen down like rain he could feel every drop
像天上落下的雨 他可以深切地感受到
Now I know I have have the courage to tell him
现在 我知道 我有告诉他的勇气
Tell him to stop stop stop
告诉他 停止 停下来
Given up my heart in the name of the memory
为了留下美好的回忆 我倾尽全部心血
Fallen down like rain he could taste every drop
像天上落下的雨 他可以深切地感受到
Now I know I have have the courage to tell him
现在 我知道 我有告诉他的勇气
Tell him to stop stop stop
告诉他 停止 停下来
Stop stop stop stop stop stop
停止 停下来
爱好歌音乐网提供群星-STOP STOP STOP的MP3音乐在线试听下载,STOP STOP STOP的QQ空间背景音乐外链。