[00:00:00] Oh my my my
[00:03:00] There\'s a thousand miles
[00:05:00] Been between you and i
[00:07:00] Oh my my my
[00:11:00] There\'s a thousand miles between you and i
[00:16:00] Oh my my my
[00:19:00] Just a thousand miles
[00:21:00] Sweet me of paradise
[00:24:00] Oh my my my
[00:27:00] There\'s a thousand miles between you and i
[00:35:00] The doesn\'t matter us
[00:37:00] Bring me I\'m sorry now
[00:57:00] Hearts collide shadows dance in the distance
[01:03:00] Something just ain\'t right
[01:05:00] I\'m cold inside
[01:07:00] Help me find what I\'m missing
[01:11:00] We\'re all fear to fly
[01:13:00] Still we try
[01:15:00] Learn to be brave see the other side
[01:19:00] Won\'t you lead me there
[01:21:00] Have no fear
[01:24:00] Close your eyes find paradise
[01:27:00] Oh la la la
[01:31:00] There\'s a thousand miles between you and i
[01:35:00] Oh my my
[01:39:00] It\'s a thousand miles between me a paradise
[01:44:00] Oh my
[01:46:00] My
[01:47:00] There\'s a thousand miles between you and i
[01:51:00] Oh my my
[01:55:00] A thousand miles
[01:57:00] Between me our paradise

Lush Life (木屋买买买) - 不凌.


不凌.-Lush Life (木屋买买买)的QQ空间背景音乐外链:

歌曲不凌.-Lush Life (木屋买买买)的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供不凌.-Lush Life (木屋买买买)的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。

Lush Life (木屋买买买)的文本歌词:

Oh my my my
There\'s a thousand miles
Been between you and i
Oh my my my
There\'s a thousand miles between you and i
Oh my my my
Just a thousand miles
Sweet me of paradise
Oh my my my
There\'s a thousand miles between you and i
The doesn\'t matter us
Bring me I\'m sorry now
Hearts collide shadows dance in the distance
Something just ain\'t right
I\'m cold inside
Help me find what I\'m missing
We\'re all fear to fly
Still we try
Learn to be brave see the other side
Won\'t you lead me there
Have no fear
Close your eyes find paradise
Oh la la la
There\'s a thousand miles between you and i
Oh my my
It\'s a thousand miles between me a paradise
Oh my
There\'s a thousand miles between you and i
Oh my my
A thousand miles
Between me our paradise

爱好歌音乐网提供不凌.-Lush Life (木屋买买买)的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Lush Life (木屋买买买)的QQ空间背景音乐外链。