[00:09:00] Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high 
[00:11:00] Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high 
[00:14:00] Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high 
[00:38:00] Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high 
[00:42:00] Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high 
[00:46:00] Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high 
[00:52:00] Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high 
[01:17:00] Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high 
[01:21:00] Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high 
[01:26:00] Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high 
[01:28:00] Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high 
[01:31:00] Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high 
[01:35:00] Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high 
[01:59:00] Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high 



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DARKSIDE (Explicit)的文本歌词:

Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high
Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high
Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high
Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high
Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high
Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high
Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high
Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high
Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high
Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high
Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high
Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high
Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high
Bloody vest Nina cocked trauma center killaz they watch the clock 3 bodies in the trunk 2 lines of the blow got me so high

爱好歌音乐网提供CHMCL SUP-DARKSIDE (Explicit)的MP3音乐在线试听下载,DARKSIDE (Explicit)的QQ空间背景音乐外链。