Mommy’s lil Monsterz-How to Brush Your Teeth的QQ空间背景音乐外链:
歌曲Mommy’s lil Monsterz-How to Brush Your Teeth的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供Mommy’s lil Monsterz-How to Brush Your Teeth的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。
How to Brush Your Teeth的文本歌词:
It’s time to brush your teeth
Put pea sized toothpaste on the toothbrush
Start brushing your teeth
Using a gentle circular motion
You better brush your teeth for two whole minutes even if it seems like a really long time
Everyday morning and night
This song’s a minute long you better play it twice
Brush your teeth if you want to have them when you’re older
You don\'t want to gum your steak and be sad forever
Remember to brush your tongue, floss, and use mouthwash so your breath don’t stink then spit your tooth paste into the sink and not the mirror
You better brush your teeth for two whole minutes even if it seems like a really long time
Everyday morning and night
This song is a minute long you better play it twice
爱好歌音乐网提供Mommy’s lil Monsterz-How to Brush Your Teeth的MP3音乐在线试听下载,How to Brush Your Teeth的QQ空间背景音乐外链。