Nouvelle Vague
当红法国时尚爵士风乐队——新浪潮乐队(Nouvelle Vague) 新浪潮乐队(Nouvelle Vague)以抒情又清新的手法重新演绎了八十年代经典名曲,作品中处处弥漫着一股法国式的Bossa Nova,Chill out味道。该乐队新近迅速窜红,如今已在法国家喻户晓,成为法国独具特色、横跨爵士与流行的大牌乐队。Nouvelle Vague是法语,意为“新浪潮”,在英语中叫做“New Wave”,在葡萄牙语里则为“Bossa Nova”。这是由两个法国鬼才Marc Collin和Olivier Libaux.所组成的音乐出版计划,意图将英国人创造的新浪潮(new wave)经典作品以巴西人的新浪潮(Bossa Nova)方式来演绎。 他们从包括XTC, The Specials, PiL, Dead Kennedys, Depeche Mode, Killing Joke等英国上世纪80年代后朋克时代的著名乐队处借来多首经典曲目,寻来音色甜美的女歌手与他们搭配,除保留原曲的一些基本和弦外,全部以Bossa Nova和六十年代流行乐的形式翻唱。通过巧妙地将这几样南辕北辙的曲风进行融合,最终诞生出的是带有他们独特风格、深具感染力的作品。陌生新鲜的组合加上隽永流长的经典曲目,诞生于巴西的Bossa Nova乐风在法国被演绎出另一种风味,无比的休闲与优雅,慵懒之中藏着绝对至尊的高贵品质。 该乐队同名大碟还没有现世就已经登上多个英国排行榜高位,受到多本权威音乐杂志如《Music Week》、《NME》、《OMM》和《Q》等的一致好评,连时装杂志《GQ》和《Marie Claire》也对Nouvelle Vague的唱片给予极高的评价,将其誉为品位一族必听之眩该专辑一经推出就在世界各地取得极佳的销售成绩,刮起一股难以抵抗的新浪潮风。 Bande A Part是该乐队的第二张专辑,乐队成员表示新专辑会给大家听觉的完美享受,而歌迷更是期待他们的表现。 乐队由3人组成,他们各自都有自已的音乐演艺事业,Marc作广告、配乐,Olivier作流行音乐戏剧等等和上张专辑一样,还是找来女唱将唱出如民谣般慵懒、清新的动听旋律!让人爱不惜手!尤其是在今天这么热的天气里,更是享受!With a name that means "new wave" in English and "bossa nova" in Portuguese, Nouvelle Vague's moniker neatly sums up the group's concept: remaking classic new wave singles with a Brazilian pop twist. Nouvelle Vague is the brainchild of French producers Marc Collin and Olivier Libaux. Prior to this collaboration, Collin played with the trip-hop outfit Ollano; composed film soundtracks such as The Kidnapper's Theme; and released electronic music ranging from club-oriented material for Paper Recordings to more eclectic fare for Fcom and Output Records (under the aliases Avril and Volga Select, respectively). Libaux played with various French pop bands during the '90s and began working with Collin in 1998. For Nouvelle Vague, Collin and Libaux recruited half a dozen French and Brazilian vocalists who were unfamiliar with the original versions of songs like Joy Division's "Love Will Tear Us Apart" and XTC's "Making Plans for Nigel" to ensure that their renditions had their own identity. Nouvelle Vague was released in Europe in 2004 and received U.S. distribution in spring 2005, which coincided with tour dates in locales as far-flung as Shanghai, New York, Los Angeles, and Rio de Janeiro. Nouvelle Vague's second album, A Bande a Part, arrived in summer 2006. The following year, the team returned with Coming Home, a collection of songs from films given the Nouvelle Vague treatment. New Wave, a collection of covers by new wave artists, also arrived in 2007.