Panadda Ruangwut
Panadda Ruangwut毕业於Sripatum大学(Sripatum University此间大学本為专职培育未来的教师人才,但是 Panadda Ruangwut日后却选择了以歌唱艺术表演来成為她的职业。 Panadda Ruangwut在1997年18岁时,因参加歌唱比赛荣获第一名而被Grammy唱片公司看中,开始了她的歌唱事业。唱片公司首先安排她演唱电影以及电视配乐,接著在同年发行个人首张专辑Dao gra dab:『纸星星』,1998年因课业因素而暂离歌坛一年,她於1999年再度返回歌坛,这一年算是她最忙碌与最有成就的一年,单是这一年她灌录了许多特别专辑,例如翻唱自旧歌之Diary lam daeng:红色日记簿』1-4辑,Suntaraporn/老歌合辑1-16辑,以及其他电视电影配乐等等。 2000年时Panadda Ruangwut终於以全新造型,发行属於个人之第二张专辑Dok mai nai hua jai : 『心中花』,接著2001年再发行个人第三张专辑Keang fa dwei pagga dao:『以星為笔绘天』,2003年发行个人第四张专辑Baan mai ru roay:『永远绽放』,2004年将她自己以前唱红的歌再度重新詮释,而发行Sound Of Colors此张特别专辑,2005年12月7日,Panadda Ruangwut终於推出她个人的第五张专辑Dok mai gub Pleaw Fai:『花与火』。 Panadda 拥有能几乎很难不被发现的动人声音。记得我第一次听过她的歌之后,就深深的為她的声音所著迷,日后开始网罗有关她演唱的专辑或是合辑,目前就缺『红色日记簿』那四张。 Panadda possesses the kind of voice that could hardly be found in anyone else. With the ability to sing as a fine instrument, Panadda won herself the first position in Star Search Contest, giving her the chance to become a part of Grammy Gold. Panadda commenced her musical career from singing soundtracks for several dramas, before her first album, “Panadda Dao Kradas (Paper Star)”, took off in 1998. Her second album, “Dorkmai Nai Huajai (Flower in My Heart)”, came along two years later, but before that, she was invited to perform in many special albums, such as, “Diary Lem Daeng (The Red Diary) and “Suntaraporn Collections”, with various artists, blowing her fame up to the next stage. Panadda’s latest album, “Baan Mai Roo Roy (Forever Bloom)”, in 2003, is still full of sweet romantic songs, which seems to be her trade mark that adored by a huge number of audiences.