[已下架]Look In My Eyes 720P — 张曼玉



Look In My Eyes 720P高清MV迅雷下载。大银幕上,她曾是妩媚泼辣的金镶玉(《新龙门客栈》),曾是平凡真实的李翘(《甜蜜蜜》),曾是优雅高贵的苏丽珍(《花样年华》),曾是坚强隐忍的艾米莉(《清洁》)……而多年之后,当她唱着自己的歌再次出镜,她只是她自己——那个名叫张曼玉的,独一无二的女人。<a href="https://trevordiy.wordpress.com/2017/02/18/first-blog-p" target="_blank" rel="tag" title="查看OST的更多高清MV">OST/”>trevordiy.wordpress.com

但 Maggie 并未在 〈Look In My Eyes〉MV 中还原琐碎日常,而是以黑色布景铺设出舞台般的幽暗氛围,上演一幕精彩的内心独角戏。如歌词所揭示,从曾经的迷惘逃避到现在的清醒坚定,精神世界的蜕变重生,被形象化为高蹈于火焰之上的女战士;而蛇与火的意象,则隐喻了每个人都纠缠其中的诱惑和激情,它们可以带来极致的美好,也像蛇与火一般危险,具有吞噬一切的力量。polvam.ru

人们往往曾臣服于蛇之诱惑,在烈焰般的激情中变得盲目,却忘了生活并未许诺我们永恒,也并不擅于从失落中赎回自我。对 Maggie 而言,那蛇与火所带来的美好与心碎,都是注定要经受的洗礼,应该勇敢地向过去告别,去迎接一个强大的自己。镜头始终聚焦于 Maggie 的双眼,高傲的目光仿佛可以穿透一切。“Look in my eyes, let’s get things Straight”,我的眼神中已没有怯懦,究竟是谁在心虚,谁在躲闪?

MV 视觉语言强烈的风格化,正对应于音乐本身所具有的刺激性和挑战性。Maggie 的精准剪辑令画面与节奏完美扣合,浓烈的迷幻气息缭绕如烟,而无论是鲜明的黑白对撞,还是流动的金色火焰,都依旧传递著时尚的冷冽酷感。在听觉与视觉、内在与外在的统一显现中,Maggie完成了她作为音乐人的出道宣言。


《Look In My Eyes》歌词
作词:张曼玉 作曲:张曼玉/ 华东/ 博譞/ Adrian Da Silva

Once in a while, I could disappear
Once in a while, I make myself clear
Once in a while, I fix you with my stare
Once in a while, I’ll hide behind my hair

Look in my eyes
Look in my eyes
Look in my eyes
Look in my eyes

Look in my eyes, let’s get things straight
Slow down the lies, it’s too late…
Since you’ve been gone, I love how I want
Without you there I’m no longer wrong
Standing alone has made my head strong
Finding myself, I finally belong

Once in a while, I would reappear
Once in a while, I drown in my fear
Once in a while, I can be everywhere
Once in a while, I’ll seem like I don’t care

Look in my eyes, let’s get things straight
Slow down the lies, it’s too late…
Since you’ve been gone, I love how I want
Without you there I’m no longer wrong
Standing alone has made my head strong
Finding myself, I finally belong

Look in my eyes
Let’s get things straight
Slow down the lies
It’s too late


Look In My Eyes 720P — 张曼玉

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